How efficient is solar panels? Tips to Maximise efficiency

Solar panels are an incredible technology. They can generate power for us to use daily, and they don’t produce any emissions while doing it! But how efficient are solar panels? And what factors determine how much power the panels will produce? Please keep reading to find out more about the efficiency of solar panel systems and what you need to know before installing them.

How efficient are solar panels?

How efficient are solar panels?

One of the most important factors that determine how efficient your solar panels are is their quality. High-quality, high-efficiency panels, can have an efficiency rate as high as 22%. On the other hand, lower grade and cheaper photovoltaic panels only average between 15% to 20% efficiency.

What is solar panel efficiency?

Solar panel efficiency refers to how much sunlight that falls on a solar panel can be converted into electricity. The higher a solar panel\’s efficiency, the more electricity it produces, and less material are used in production. For instance, monocrystalline cells typically have an efficiency rating between 15% and 20%.

With the same amount of sunlight, a more efficient solar panel will produce more electricity. This can save roof space, where the panel would be installed and lead to a longer life span.

When it comes to solar panels, efficiency is vital. For example, for both size and power output, if one panel has 21% efficiency and the other has 14%, the result will be that the more efficient panel will produce 50% more kWh of electricity under the same conditions as its lesser-efficient counterpart.

Key Takeaways

  • More efficient solar panels generate more power, and fewer solar panels are needed to make up the same amount of electricity
  • Solar panel efficiency will affect how much energy a system produces

What is the most efficient solar panels?

Here are the most efficient solar panels available on the market today.

  • Sunpower ( 22.8%),
  • LG (22.0%),
  • REC Solar (21.7%),
  • CSUN (21.2%),
  • Panasonic (21.2%)

The majority of solar panels today have an efficiency rating of 16% to 18%.

Out of the five manufacturers above, SunPower is the best because it is the most efficient. Of course, it will cost more money, but it can be worth it.

Get maximum production from your solar panels 

If you have limited roof space and your goal is to maximize the amount of electricity your system produces or want to ensure you buy the least amount of electricity from the utility, you may choose to install higher-efficiency solar panels. This will ensure that you get maximum production from your solar panel system with less roof space available.

More efficient solar panels will produce more electricity for the same surface area as solar cells. For example, a 200-watt panel with an efficiency rating of 20% may have the same power output as two 120 watt panels rated at only 15%.

This is because higher efficiency panels will produce more electricity from less sunlight and require fewer solar cells.

These solar panels will be more expensive, but their higher production will work out in your favor. This is especially true if you are living off-grid or using solar as a supplement to solar power from the grid because these systems require little maintenance and can operate for 25 years without degradation of performance.

Key Takeaways

• Higher Efficiency Solar panels produce more electricity and require fewer solar cells

• Invest in higher efficiency solar panels for maximum production with less roof space available.

Compare the cost versus value of your solar panels  

The more efficient a solar panel, the higher its price tag. You might want to weigh whether that cost is worth it if you’re trying to save money on your electric bill in the long run.

If you own a solar power system, the more electricity your panels produce, the less demand for your utilities, and a bonus may also generate higher SREC income.

SREC income is solar renewable energy credit which is a certified emission reduction. SREC income can be traded in compliance markets or sold to utilities, requiring them to meet renewable portfolio standards.

Factors that influence solar panel efficiency

1. Solar panel efficiency is influenced by the solar cell, which converts sunlight to electricity

The solar cell is made up of two or more layers that convert light to electrons. These layers can be silicon, gallium arsenide, copper indium selenide (CIS), or amorphous solar cells. The most efficient solar panels use photovoltaic solar cells, which are the type with silicon in them.

2. The type of material used in the solar cells determines how efficient they are at converting light into power, and the different solar cells have different solar conversion efficiencies

In general, solar panels with higher solar cell efficiency are more expensive. The most efficient solar panel on the market today is made from monocrystalline solar cells.

3. Efficiency can be increased through innovation and technological advances.

External factors that determine solar panel efficiency

The efficiency of a solar panel is determined by how much sunlight the panels can turn into usable electricity. Of course, factors such as location and weather affect this, but it all comes down to its core: turning light energy from the sun into an electric current for powering your home or business.

External factors that determine a panel’s efficiency include:

  • location or orientation of a home. The location of your home and solar panels can make a significant impact on solar panel efficiency. A south-facing roof will likely maximize solar panel efficiency.
  • Whether or climate region of the home’s location. The weather and climate in a solar panel’s area can also affect solar panel efficiency during its lifespan.
  • Whether or not the solar panels are shaded by trees, buildings, or other objects.
  • Weather conditions such as clouds and rain block sunlight from reaching solar cells in some areas but allow it to reach solar cells in others. These factors can affect solar cell output up to 30%.
  • Time of day-, peak output is generally late morning around solar noon
  • distance from the equator. Solar panels closer to the equator receive more sunlight throughout the year than solar panels near either of Earth’s poles, so they’re more efficient.
  • Air pollution levels in an area (which reduces sunlight). Having a lot of smoke and air pollution can reduce the amount of sunlight that reaches your solar panels.

Type of solar panel material

1. Monocrystalline solar panels

Monocrystalline solar panels use high-grade silicon that has been processed differently to reduce wasted space within the cell.

These types of solar cells also typically deliver higher performance than other photovoltaic cells. The reason manufacturers opt for monocrystalline is its high conversion efficiency rate. A typical monocrystalline crystal will convert 16-20% of sunshine’s incoming light energy directly into electricity, whereas competitor technologies like polycrystalline achieve only 14%.

The big benefit? Put more power from each panel at less cost overall.

2. Polycrystalline solar panels

Polycrystalline solar panels are made out of silicon solar cells that have been cast from molten silicon. These solar panels are cheaper and less efficient than Monocrystalline solar panels, but they’re still a good option for people on the market.

Polycrystalline solar panel efficiency ranges between 14-18%. They are also the typical blue solar panels that you might see on solar farms or carports.

One of the downsides to polycrystalline solar cells is they produce a lot more heat than monocrystalline, so they require an extra layer of protection against overheating and short-circuiting in high temperatures. These solar cells are also susceptible to breaking if handled roughly,

3. Thin-film solar panels

Thin-film solar panels are made out of solar cells made from a lot less silicon than the other panels. As the name implies, these panels are very thin and are low-cost solar panels. Thin-film solar cells have a lower conversion efficiency rate than monocrystalline or polycrystalline solar cells. They are typically used for outdoor and solar building solutions such as solar carports.

They are also used in flexible solar panels that can be applied to things such as the roof of a bus or solar shingles.

Thin-film solar cells have a low conversion efficiency rate of around 12%.

The type of materials the solar panel is made from will have a major bearing on its efficiency. Monocrystalline solar panels are the most efficient, followed by polycrystalline solar panels. The last option is thin-film, which has a relatively low-efficiency rate (around 12-14%).

Type of Wiring and busing

The type of wiring and busing influences the power output of a solar panel. At least one in four solar panels installed in 2021 has some manufacturing defect called a “semi-conductive junction.”

This translates into a 25% power loss. a “semi-conductive junction is a wiring defect that occurs when the crystals of solar cells come into contact with one another.”

Resistive loads are most common, and they’re caused by:

  • poor connections between solar panels or string inverters. Sometimes solar panel leads get damaged during installation.
  • Buildup local resistance in a solar panel over time from continuous exposure to a solar cell damaged during the manufacturing process and cannot conduct electricity properly.
  • Wiring can also be a factor in solar panel efficiency, with low-voltage strands often carrying more current than higher voltage cables.
  • Lastly, busing is sometimes used to connect solar panels when it makes sense – for example if one needs to add solar capacity to a

The type of wiring and busing can affect the efficiency of a solar panel system. For example, if the wiring or busing has too much resistance, it will take more power to generate current for electricity to flow through that wire.

– If you’re not sure what type of wiring or busing is best, ask your electrician about it!


Anti-reflective coating on tempered solar panel glass protects the photovoltaic cells and helps them generate electricity at higher efficiency by reducing reflection.

The anti-reflective coating can improve a solar panel’s efficiency by anywhere from 0.05% to 6%, depending on the type of coating applied and how effective it is.

How dirty is your solar panel?

It is also important to note that energy loss from reflection and absorption is exacerbated when the solar panel is dirty, dusty, or oily. This can reduce efficiency by up to 40%.

The best way to clean your solar panel is to use soapy water and a sponge or cloth to rub off as much dirt, dust, and grime as possible.

1. Make sure the solar panel is not wet

2. Use a soft, non-abrasive cloth to wipe away dirt

3. Rinse with water and dry off

– You should thoroughly clean your solar panel at least once every three months

– Avoid using strong cleaning agents like alcohol because they can strip the surface of your solar panels

Dont install your solar panel in shaded areas

Any shading on solar panels (even from buildings) will reduce the amount of electricity produced by a solar array. However, it’s important to keep in mind that shading can come not only from nearby obstacles but also from your own panels’ shadows cast on themselves or other panels.

Shading on only one of your solar panels can reduce the solar panel efficiency of your whole system, so it’s important to take this into account when designing solar panel layouts.

The angle or tilt of your roof

-Solar panels generate power only when the sun’s rays fall on them, so accurate positioning is an important part of the installation.

-If your roof is not positioned optimally, get a professional to gauge the ideal angle and tilt for your solar panels

-The solar panel must face south and cannot be shaded by trees or other buildings

-This will ensure that you get the maximum sun exposure possible and provide you with more electricity

It can have a big impact on how efficient your solar panels are. This is because the angle of the roof can affect where sunlight falls, and it will be more difficult for some parts to capture as much light if they’re in shadow or blocked by other structures.

Different types of inverters available for use with your solar system

There are three different types of inverters available for use with solar systems. These include string inverters, power optimizer systems (also known as string inverters + power optimizers), and microinverters.

  • String inverters are the most common type. They take in a high voltage DC current from the solar panels and convert it into AC current that can be used in our homes.
  • Power optimizers offer additional benefits over traditional string inverters, including better efficiency and integration with some types of battery storage systems.
  • Microinverters are a newer type of system which converts the DC current from solar panels directly into AC current without involving a central inverter.

Micro-inverters are a new technology that is quickly gaining traction. They allow for the most efficient use of solar panels, and they have been shown to increase the overall energy output by as much as 30%.

A Micro-inverter is used for each solar panel, and it helps to keep solar panels operating at peak efficiency.

Despite being so innovative and having such an impressive track record, micro-inverters still only account for about 3% of the total market share in this industry. This technology has not yet reached its full potential but will continue to grow over time.

Here are some common questions about the efficiency of solar panels:

Which type of solar panel is most efficient?

Of all the panel types, monocrystalline panels are the most efficient type. However, they’re typically made of a single silicon crystal, and they can be more expensive than polycrystalline or amorphous solar cells.

Monocrystalline solar panels normally have an efficiency of around 20 to 23%.

Polycrystalline solar panels are made up of many silicon crystals and have an efficiency range of around 15-20%

Can solar panels be 100 efficient?

No solar panel can be 100% efficient because even a perfect cell has some level of inefficiency. The best cells are about 22-25%.

When you’re looking to install solar panels, it is important to consider all the factors determining their efficiency. The type of panel, where they are installed, and how many hours of sunlight there are each day can greatly impact your energy use.

If any one of these variables changes, even if you don’t make another change in your setup or installation process, you will also impact the electricity generated.

How does temperature affect solar panel efficiency?

Solar panels produce their most energy when the temperature ranges from 59°F to 95°F. Above that threshold, efficiency will drop and production of electricity is decreased significantly.

In cool climates with an average solar panel temperature of about 40°F, there is only a slight decrease in energy production.

How efficient are solar panels compared to fossil fuels?

The efficiency of solar panels typically ranges somewhere between 15% and 20%. Coal efficiency levels reach up to 40%. Natural gas efficiency levels can range up to 60%. Solar energy is an inefficient form of energy because the sun doesn’t always provide enough power. Fossil fuels are more efficient because they are constantly producing energy, but they are not renewable and pollute the environment.

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At SolarInfoWorld, we review the best solar products and services. We also provide solar education and try to answer the most frequently asked solar questions.