5 Pros and cons of solar panels

Solar panels are often touted as the solution to our energy problems. However, many factors need to be considered before deciding whether or not you should invest in solar power for your home. This blog post will take an objective look at the pros and cons of solar panels so that you can make an informed decision about what’s best for your situation.

Solar panels are an eco-friendly way to lower your electric bill, increase the value of your home and reduce carbon emissions. They also combat rising electricity costs by generating their own energy from sunlight. There are a few reasons why you may not want solar panels, though – they don’t work for every roof type, it’s not ideal if you’re about to move, could be costly if you have low electricity bills already…and finding someone local who does installations can be difficult too.

history of solar panels

The history of solar energy

President Carter had 32 solar panels installed on the roof of the White House in 1979, but Reagan removed them. Energy and fossil fuel industries have worked very hard to keep solar power from winning favor with most Americans. Those opponents have done all they can to discredit the solar power industry by poking fun of the way panels look and spreading disinformation about how the panels work, says CNN: Solar power is a great way to power the country.

Advantages of solar energy:

There are many benefits of solar power, but here are our three most important ones to keep in mind:

 solar decrease household utilities bill

Solar panels can significantly decrease a household’s electricity bill.

The most obvious and biggest benefit of installing solar panels is that you can generate your own electricity, and reliance on your electric utility decreases.

By generating your own electricity from sunlight, you can significantly decrease your household’s average monthly electric bill.

The amount of money saved by using solar energy far outweighs the initial costs of installation and maintenance.

Solar panels save you from future increases in utility bills as the price of electricity has increased by an average of 42% over the last two decades. Experts predict that this trend will continue in the future due to inflation and other factors.

Utilities charge an escalating rate for each unit of electricity consumed – meaning it will charge you more the more you use.

Moving to solar power will help keep your electricity bill the same for years to come – or even lower it by using less energy than a traditional home, which means that over time you could save thousands of dollars.

A solar panel system typically has a 25-35 year lifespan, which means that you can cut your electricity costs for decades to come by going solar.

Solar panels can improve your home’s value

Millions of homeowners in the US are interested in installing solar panels on their homes, but many don’t know what it takes to make such an endeavor happen.

Recent studies done on property values found that after installing solar panels on your roof, the value of your home will increase. The value of your home will increase by an average of $20,000.

Solar panels also make it easier to sell a house – people are far more likely to buy homes with solar, and they’re willing to pay higher prices for them too!

Solar reduces emissions.

Solar power is a clean and sustainable energy source that doesn’t emit any harmful gases or pollutants. Even when compared to nuclear energy, solar power is cleaner and less expensive.

Solar power will also never be exhausted, unlike other fossil fuels that will eventually run out.

Regulate your own energy costs.

There is nothing that you, as a homeowner, can do to control your utility electricity rate. While the cost of solar has plummeted over the last decade, costs of electricity have steadily risen.

The cost of solar has declined so much in the last couple of years that it is now cheaper to install solar panels than utility electricity.

The more energy you use, the cheaper it becomes!

Solar can pay you money while you’re earning back your investment.

Net metering of your solar panels allows the excess energy that you produce to be sold back onto the grid while still using it on site. This is a great way for solar owners with electric cars or other off-grid power needs to get some extra money in return and an excellent opportunity for utilities who want more renewable power without investing in their own production facilities.

Solar renewable energy credits are earned when you produce more electricity than what your home and solar panels use. In both of these scenarios, the utility pays you for your excess energy.

You must ensure that the state where you live allows net-metering and allows you to feed power back into the grid.

Disadvantages of going solar

Here are 3 disadvantages of solar to keep in mind.

solar panels does not work on every roof

Solar panels do not work for every type of roof.

Rooftop solar panels are installed with a racking system on a roof, but certain roofing materials can make this difficult. These are normally older types of roofing materials like slate or tile.

Slate and tile roofs can be flat, pitched, or curved and often made of heavy materials, making it difficult to install the racking system.

Installing the racking system can also damage the roofing material, so it is important to hire a professional company.

When installing solar panels on flat roofing, there is an increased risk of roof leaks as water will pool at the base.

Your rooftop solar panels may be too inclined to catch enough of the sun and not be as effective (this can also happen on flat roofs). If your roof is not in good condition, it will need to be replaced before installing rooftop solar panels, which could cost a lot of money.

The high upfront cost of solar

As of 2021, the average cost of solar in the US is about $2.85 per watt. A 6 kW solar panel system would run you around $17,100 before the federal tax credit is applied. You can qualify for a zero-down solar loan, which means you can still save money on your electric bill. The actual cost of a solar system will vary by state and by the incentives you qualify for, which varies by state and how much you get.

You can offset this high cost of solar by using federal tax credits, which can lower the cost of solar by as much as 26% off the installation cost.

The federal tax credits are available for both residential and commercial properties, not just homes.

You can also lower the high upfront cost by installing a grid-tied system that allows you to sell excess energy back to the grid.

This option is only available for those who want solar to become more self-sufficient and offset their high utility bill costs by generating their own electricity with a system that will generate enough power for all of their needs during peak hours when utility rates are the highest need most.

A grid-tied solar system also doesn’t include batteries which are an additional expense. Solar batteries are necessary if you want solar energy when the sun isn’t shining or at night. Grid-tied systems don’t include a battery bank, so anyone who needs power during off-hours will need to invest in a battery backup system that can be costly.

solar not worth it if moving

Solar isn’t worth it if you are moving

If you plan on moving soon, the high cost of solar panels may not be worth it. To save the cost of installation, move-in, and moving-out fees associated with a new home or apartment, many people choose to go without solar power for now.

If you plan on staying in your current residence for at least five years, installing solar is definitely worth it! The savings can then offset the cost of the installation on energy costs.

Finding a good local installer can be hard.

Hiring someone to install solar panels for you is worth it because not only will they take care of everything, but most local installers are also used to working with homeowners on a budget.

But then again if you are not able to find such an installer in your local area, it can be a big roadblock.

The good thing about the internet is finding a solar installer, no matter where you are located. There are some websites in which they have listings of installers with their reviews and prices for installation services.

This way, you get to see what other people had to say before making any decisions on who’ll be installing your panels

In conclusion, Solar panels are a great way to increase your energy independence and reduce your utility bill. With all that said, it’s important to do thorough research on how solar panels will work with your unique situation before making any decisions about installation. Whether you have an existing electric bill or not, if saving money is important to you, this may be an investment worth considering!

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At SolarInfoWorld, we review the best solar products and services. We also provide solar education and try to answer the most frequently asked solar questions.